Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Manisnya...DATING denganMu...

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Dapatkan Mesej Bergambar di Sini

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

What you did last two years?

Salam Sejahtera,

Setelah hampir dua tahun blog ini terbiar tanpa update, kini saya kembali untuk buat comeback. Bukan apa dua tahun kebelakangan life was quite hectic. Over the period many things have happened, personal life, family, work and even the government for few states changed.

Dulu we were 4 as family, now we have new addition - we are now 5! - Baby Muiz was delivered in Jan this year, alhamdulillah rezk from Allah. On work plak, alhamdulillah progressing well still at the same place, looking for other opportunity? As for now not thinking about it... looking forward for more interesting things to happen in near future... trying to be in the right place at the right time....For how much longer, only God knows.. let Allah decides..

Financially, not much change.. nothing big happened last two years... Since the last posting of Bengkel Pengurusan Kewangan with Aziz Ibrahim CFP.. life on financial was quiet. Process of financial learning continues with or without AI CFP. Good knowledge from him but lesson learnt.. don't become too dependent.. experiment, experience, THINK! jangan membabi buta, huhuhu...Now no longer doing program for AI CFP. Heard he still conducting the workshop.. all the best to you En Aziz!

Ok lah.. thought of sharing something interesting on Gold Investment, tapi nanti dulu.. feel free to browse and grasp some info from slide above. Boleh call kalu interested and we can discuss over teh tarik.

Next posting ingat nak cerita on my savvy.. yes proton savvy hampeh!.. so tunggu..
